Friday, March 1, 2013


But Frank and Bean! Wherever have you been!?

Well Frank fans, it has been a long an busy winter and Frank and Bean have been feeling a bit under the weather. However, after a winter of emotional hibernation and adjustment to their new home, spring has sprung and we are back! And Frank does NOT enjoy any of this official spring starts in the middle of March based on the sun nonsense. As far as the pugs are concerned, spring starts with March, just as winter starts with December and summer starts in June. (Except perhaps in this city where summer seems to start July 5th. Every year. It's absolutely baffling that on that exact day the clouds clear. Like clockwork. Perhaps the fireworks clear them away?)

So, in celebration of spring, there will be 3 posts a week, EVERY WEEK at least through April! Oh Frank! What adventures we must find! 
Yes Bean, you can help too...

To start our springtime adventure, we will be heading up to our local bookshop which is reopening TODAY! Frank is rejoicing in his heart as not ONLY has there been a hiatus in the flow of books into our house (causing less snuggle and reading time), but also because our favorite treat stop has been missing from the top of the hill.  

(We do hope they still welcome pugs! Gulp!)

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