Wednesday, December 19, 2007

OH Frank! What's that you say? You are eager to celebrate Christmas with your new friends Ginger Man and Snow Man?

Actually, these are not new friends, they are, in fact, friends from last year that I thought to pack up; low and behold Frank thought that they were brand new this year. In celebration of Frank's Christmas friends I believe it is time to introduce you to his two very best year round friends. Below you will find a picture of Gentle Pig and a picture of Snack, a tiny fawn pugette, and the love of Frank's life:

Gentle Pig was Frank's first toy and every night before bed, or if he is feeling upset, he carries Gentle Pig around in his mouth. When he finally does lay down he gives Gentle Pig a tongue bath before drifting off to sleep. Frank's dad gets extremely upset when there is a wet dirty pig near us. I can't really blame him. Gentle Pig gets many baths in the washing machine, however because of this his internal oinker was destroyed. Now Frank has a mute gentle pig, which is actually quite nice for us humans in the household.

Snackler lives at the top of the hill on which we live at the bottom, however, as you can see above she is maybe the cutest thing ever and she and Frank really do deserve a separate post on their adventures - it is soon to come.

Oh, a wee bask in the sunshine...

And finally, a parting picture of Frank with some tense lips. I don't know why I find it so fascinating when he intensely watches my food and his lips get tense, but here you have it:

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