Friday, April 5, 2013

Taste Test!

Oh Frank and Bean! What is that? You have recently discovered the PERFECT sized delicious pug treats?!? 
Indeed, these have to be specially brought to us by a friend who, after MUCH hard work on the part of the pugs - wide eyed stealthy snuggling technique being the tool primarily employed - seems to have rather been won over by the handsome young pups!

Sojo's Dog Treats come in a variety of flavors and are the perfect size for a pug! They can even be broken down into 3 tiny treats for training! 

Oh! Frank and Bean! 

Given that there were 2 flavors which the boys were enjoying, I thought it might be good to do a simple taste test! On the left side we have PB & J, and on the right Blueberry Cobbler...

Time to hedge your bets!:

BEAN!!! NO! You are VERY bad and greedy!!
Blueberry seems to be the winner! However, in the interest of fair play, I thought we best do a second round with the position of the treats switched!

Yum, yum!! Blueberry Cobbler it is! Oh Frank and Bean! Delicious!

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