Frank is a big fan of The Discovery Channel's shark week, mainly because there are a couple of laps on which to snuggle as his dad and I watch for hours with fascination. Just this week I was able to capture some evidence of Frank's very own predatory habits.
You may want to notice below the tell tale signs that a feeding frenzy is about to take place, most notably the very tense lips....
Ah, the prey has appeared. An unsuspecting french fry (not on a pug's recommended diet...)
First we see the brief investigation and move in...
followed by a dip down to pick up acceleration....
First we see the brief investigation and move in...
followed by a dip down to pick up acceleration....
OH Frank! What a frightening display! The final removing of all evidence that a feeding has occured comes very quickly after the lunge. You may ask yourself, "how EVER was that french fry chewed AND swallowed in such a short amount of time?" Indeed, it is a fascinating question.