Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pug Week

Frank is a big fan of The Discovery Channel's shark week, mainly because there are a couple of laps on which to snuggle as his dad and I watch for hours with fascination. Just this week I was able to capture some evidence of Frank's very own predatory habits.

You may want to notice below the tell tale signs that a feeding frenzy is about to take place, most notably the very tense lips....

Ah, the prey has appeared. An unsuspecting french fry (not on a pug's recommended diet...)

First we see the brief investigation and move in...

followed by a dip down to pick up acceleration....

And! The Lunge!!!

OH Frank! What a frightening display! The final removing of all evidence that a feeding has occured comes very quickly after the lunge. You may ask yourself, "how EVER was that french fry chewed AND swallowed in such a short amount of time?" Indeed, it is a fascinating question.

As you can see, that final two steps are done with great speed and agility so that Frank can prepare with great hope for the next French Fry to swim by:
OH Frank. Such a fine specimen to study!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Imagine my dismay...

when I arrived home from a late night at work and there was no one to greet me at the door! No husband, no pug, no one. Feeling a bit glum I poked my head into the bedroom where I discovered the husband in deep slumber - pictured here, and yes, yes, those are pugs wearing Santa hats on his pajama bottoms. I got them on clearance last year and they mainly make an appearance when there is a bit of laundry build up in our house....

Just when a panic of whether Frank had been locked outside or otherwise misplaced started to set in, there was a disturbing noise emitted from somewhere under the covers...

It was with further dismay that I focused in on the region....

Wait a minute. Something fishy is going on here....

OH my! I am not sure that I approve at all!

However, since Frank seemed nothing less than blissfully snug I decided to let the sleeping dog lie...

Oh Frank, at least someone enjoys those pajama bottoms....

Saturday, January 5, 2008

A New Friend and a Bean...

Oh Frank! What is that you have there?
You may recall Frank's pheasant hunting photo from Christmas, well, just as Frank's depression was starting to creep back in he received ANOTHER delightful gift from Bianka Cree! Above he is gleefully retrieving his new black footed ferret!

Once the ferret had been retrieved Frank proceeded with one of his favorite rituals. It seems to give Frank an immense amount of pleasure to repeatedly squeak a toy against ones leg. Over and over again. As you may assume, this has confused and/or distressed the occasional visitor.

At dinner we decided to let Frank have a little taste of his favorite veggie, the green bean. It has come to our attention that Frank, in his eagerness to ingest as much as possible, does not always chew a green bean, or anything for that matter, so we tend to hold on the the end and let him chop off little bits....

Oh Frank! Delicious!

And, gone..

Of course, at the end of yet another hard day in the life of Frank, the little dude conked out for a bit of Pug beauty sleep. However, in a surprise twist, it was his new ferret and NOT gentle pig that accompanied him to his slumbers.

Oh Frank, if only you weren't so shiny and handsome curled in a little ball we may be able to resist giving you green beans from the table sometimes...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Frank's Christmas

Well, it has been a rough week for Frank. After returning home from Christmas at his vacation home where there was constant feeding from his grandmother and playing with his grandfather he was RATHER depressed for 3 days. Here is a bit of a photographic Frank Christmas:

Here we see that Frank has arrived at his Colorado Grandparents well decorated home. It was nice to know that this year Frank had lost his taste for pine needles and poinsettas.
On our first night all together, Frank received his favorite treat, and in case you thought that a pug's eye could not get any bigger, I believe the next photo will prove you wrong:

That's right. A steak bone. Frank was quite sad when he had stripped all of the meat off of the bone, but was heartened the next day when we returned from a Christmas Eve viewing of Sweeney Todd to find that his grandmother had put out a welcoming sign...

Alas, it turned out that there were no meat pies at all...

The next day was Christmas and Frank wasted no time at all in sniffing out his very own stocking:

OH Frank! How eager you must be!
Frank then wasted no time at all in pulling the stocking to the ground,

rooting about, and getting stuck in a rather compromising position:

What was that, you may wonder, sticking out of the top of the stocking? Why a pheasant of course! (this photo was actually taken upon our return home when the appearance of his new pheasant did in fact bolster Frank's waning spirits...)

OH Frank! You are quite the bird dog!

After opening his stocking Frank still had a few more gifts to go. Here we see pictured his new Hide-A-Bee refills and his new Hide-A-Gingerbread Man especially for Christmas.

Oh Frank. It is very hard to be you. After a long day of excitement there was a bit of a collapse in front of the fire:

where Frank spent the rest of his vacation. When he was not in the kitchen of course...