Friday, July 10, 2015

Road Trip, Day #2

Day #2 at the Westport Whale! Delightful.
In the morning we wandered out to find beach #2, we were going to try one that apparently has fascination tide pools, but found this was the path:

Ummmmm no. 
I am all for an adventure but NOT more eye pokes for Frank!!
It was rather steep and there were quite a lot of blackberry bushes crossing the path, so we vetoed that in favor for one another block or so down.
This path was much better!
Go Bean, go!

Frank got a ride in his sling (it's not coddling if there is a steep drop below the stairs!),
and much frisking and frolicking ensued...
Happy Bean #1 - Fetching
Happy Bean #2 - Digging
Happy Bean #3 - Being delighted and adorable
It was also lovely because it was a bit grey and so no pugs overheated!
Upon arrival home, Bean boldly dissected his new favorite ball in order to remove the squeaker, and Frank strove, nobly but in vain, to keep his one eye open.
Indeed Frank! Vacation IS exhausting.

We were back just before it started to rain, yes RAIN (yay for poor California, I will try to bring it with me to Seattle) and were "forced" to settle in for a nap listening to the rain and the ocean.

(Yes, that is a lump of pugs under the covers)
The day concluded with some fresh fish (sold to stores right off of the boat down the road it Ft. Bragg).
I bought some for myself but it seemed only fair to also get a small filet for the furry handsomes as well.
Any guesses on how long it took for them to eat it all up?

6 seconds for  Bean.
                7 seconds for Frank.

Oh Frank! If only every day could be a vacation with you and your happy helper!


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