Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Christmas Spirit

To say that it has been busy around here would be a rather large understatement. Never the less, Frank and I do apologize for the lack of posts in the last two weeks, it has been a bit of an adjustment getting used to the wee Bean... let's have a look shall we?

Oh Frank, what is that you say? You started off the relationship with denial, trying to hide from the Bean?
(Looking dramatically morose I might add.)

Oh my. Well. That didn't work at all. In fact, I believe that the Bean is pictured here standing directly upon your head.

Frank has, in fact, spent the better part of these past two weeks sulking. However, it seems that he is very gradually learning that there are some advantages to having a rather pudgy playmate who will, for example, tug on Pheasant for HOURS...

and who will snuggle up to help keep him warm.

Not to mention that someone looks quite dapper in Frank's first puppy coat - and look! Coordinated opposites! Ooo.

In this case the boys were dressed to go and pick up our Christmas tree, which Frank, as you can see, was MOST helpful in decorating...

Oh Frank. You don't look at all in the Christmas spirit... perhaps an eggnog latte would cheer him along.

1 comment:

Puglette said...

oh frank, the bean will grow on you...pun intended!
the boys looks so cute snuggling and in their coats. nothing like a pudgy pug puppy to make the whole family feel good!