Sunday, May 27, 2012

OOOOO! A Dandelion!

Um. Really Bean?

Would anyone like to rent out this remarkable creature for their own lawn care? He consumed approximately 10 in shockingly quick succession....

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Beach Day!

Well folks, sometimes the internet machine is NOT our friend. I have been trying to write this post for DAYS and it took FOREVER to download the videos!

I am delighted to announce that an unseasonably warm and sunny May has arrived! In celebration, I decided to take the boys to their first salt water beach day of the year - a whole month earlier than we usually go! 

I have a small dream in my heart that pugs are waterdogs. This is a relatively futile dream, however there are cases of pugs becoming quite the aquatic creatures:

Bean has become quite the retriever, so I found a floaty toy (with limbs, because let's face it, it is downright challenging for a dog with barely any lower jaw to get a ball out of the water...) and tossed it in!

It did not go well for the first 10 attempts...

But then! Success!!!!

BEAN! You are so sporty!!!
Here is a video of Bean the Water Dog (and also, at the end, I decided to look around for Frank.)

Turn down your volume because there is a train going by when I shot this - NOT delightful....

That was my coffee and you are very naughty!!!
To be fair, Frank did try to chase the toy into the water, but with all of the rocks at the bottom and the waves and the reflection it is rather hard for a one-eyed pug to find the floaty toy...

Let's have a look at those pictures again...

The Water Pug Wonder!

and... Frank! 
The Remarkable Forager? 

(you know, our dog walker told us that a pug she watches got lost in the woods for 8 days and survived - yep, more resourceful than one thinks! Well, and they will eat most anything.)

After a long fun filled day, baths were had by all followed by some lounging in the sun. 

Oh Frank and Bean. What fine fellows you are.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't try this at home...

Oh. I hope none of you Frank fans are police officers. I'm pretty sure that this is not advised for while driving with a pug in your lap. But oh. The joy in Frank's heart.


Sadly, I had left his doggles at home, but he seemed to be keeping his eye nicely closed anyhow!
Welcome springtime!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A New Series! "OOOOO, a ________!"

Welcome to Frank's fun new series that will be periodically appearing, "OOOOO, a ________!"
On today's post, we will be featuring:

"OOOOOO, a pickle!" by Frank and Bean

MMM... salty.
(don't worry pug lovers, they didn't actually get to eat much, just a few licks of salt.)

.... and another one! 
I had to add it because Frank appears to be imitating a feeding basking shark!

(Please click below if you know not of what I speak!)