1) Calm and Euphoria (that was from me, and technically it is a feeling more than a smell but there just were no other adjectives that I could think of).
2) A Biscuit - this was from a dapper English friend, therefore I think it translates to cookie? I also think that he was trying to appease me rather than saying "dog" like most of the other men polled.
3) Dog - this was from a boy.
4) Wet Dog - this was from a bartender, who is a boy. To be fair it had been raining on the way to the bar, which delightfully welcomes friendly pups.
5) Corn Chips.
6) A Sock out of the Dryer.
7) Wet Concrete.
8) Dog - another boy.
9) Black Truffle - this was from a boy who I wouldn't feed until he chose something more descriptive than "dog".
10) A Salty Peanut
Oh Frank, what a wide range of tasty snack sniffs you do provide...
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