Having decided that if we waited to go on an adventure until the sun came out we would never go, the pugs and I loaded up the car in order to go and investigate a new park that we had heard about.
Here we see the pugs happily settled, or so I had hoped, in their rather new, rather expensive car seat (to which their harnesses attach so as to hold them in should an accident occur). Apologies for the glare...

It turns out that they were not settled at all. Here are my views from the drive:
View #1
Now, if you rotate View #1 and View #2 about 13 times, plus add in some growling, nipping, and whining, you will be able to mentally experience the 30 minute ride to the trail head...

We walked about 5 minutes in, Frank avoiding the puddles, Bean going right through them, until 2 things happened. First, we ran into a notice that an "unidentified male" had been exposing himself along the trail. Second, and sadly, my camera died so that I could not take a picture of the notice. Needless to say, fearsome as my companions were, we turned about.
I would venture to say that Frank was rather disappointed by the whole excursion and spent the rest of the afternoon here...

Bean was displeased for other reasons...
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