For the enjoyment of Frank followers everywhere, this week we have decided to post a photo of the day from Frank's morning walk each and every day! At least through Friday.
Today's feature: The giant sunflower....

Oh Frank! It's as if you are a wee pug in Alice and Wonderland.
This weekend, as I was making the delicious broccoli salad recipe given to me by one of Frank's favorite humans, Anna Franzen, I had an unfortunate incident with a spill of dry roasted sunflower seeds. Frank was thrilled and immediately inhaled them.
I like to think that as he was sniffing about the fine specimen of immensity pictured above, he was hoping that some seeds would fall... though it must be said that one is almost always disappointed by the shells as well as the lack of salt found on a fresh sunflower seed.
Oh Frank, you do look like you might fit through a rabbit hole and disappear. We would miss your adventures!!!
Frank, you may be small in a physical size comparison next to the sunflower but your grandeur speaks immeasurably louder to me than it does today. It is so darn cute of you to pose beside that massive plant. Thea, are you guys having any fun???
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