Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Very Hot Day

I do not believe that Frank realizes what a lucky pug he is to live in the Pacific Northwest. Not only do our winters not get terribly cold, but also our summers do not get terribly hot. As you may or may not know, the pug does not do well in extreme temperatures of any kind because of their brachycephalic (wee squished) snouts.

Today, however, was a bit of a scorcher for the area at almost 90 degrees, so we began the day by putting a fan on the floor for Frank...

(Oh Frank! That is so nice! His eye began to space out and I suspect that he was imagining a doggle free car ride...)

...then had a break from the fan in the middle of the day for a tasty summer snack...

(Oh Frank! Delicious!)

... then ended the day back in front of Frank's new favorite acquisition; in what his dad likes to refer to as the "got dropped out of a window pose."

(and no, Frank did not, in fact, enjoy that beer you see before assuming this drunkard's pose!)

Oh Frank! What a crazy and odd creature you are!

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