Oh my! Who, you may be wondering, is that very handsome canine sporting the Oh Frank sticker?

Oh Frank! That is your very proud cousin Gusaroo! Gus is a rather stoic and sensitive bird dog who tries very hard to like his little Pugly cousin, but it seems that Frank is, at times, rather over eager. There does come a time when Frank jumps on Gus and tries to lick his teeth one to many times when the little pug gets snapped at. Sometimes it is not attractive at all to be too needy.
Frank was quite sad this weekend when I packed up my bag and headed out the door without him, he does so enjoy a visit with his cousin in San Fancisco! The good news, and I think you will agree since there will most definitely be adventures and tales to tell, is that coming in June there will be a visit to Colorado involving BOTH canine cousins!
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